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When Should Water Be Tested For Legionella Bacteria?

Lisamarie Lamb

Do you want to know if you have to test for legionella bacteria in your hot and cold water systems by law? You might already know that it's not required by law for your business unless there's a specific reason to test for legionella. So, how do you know if there is a need, how often should you test your water systems, and what should you do?

How often should my water systems be tested for legionella?

If there are questions about the results of the legionella risk assessment or if the current prevention measures aren't working right, weekly legionella tests should be done until safe results are consistently found over a period of time. At this point, it might be best to test once a month, if the results support this.

The HSG274 (Part 1) from the HSE also says that cooling towers should be tested often because they are more dangerous. Both microbial activity and legionella bacteria need to be checked for in the make-up water and cooling tower water.

At least every three months, cooling towers should be checked for legionella. If there are problems, more frequent testing may be needed until the problems are fixed.

How to identify legionella sampling points

When the water system is checked for legionella, water samples should also be taken from several places. It's important to remember that taking water samples from different taps and other outlets might not be enough to get a completely accurate picture of how the water system is doing. It is possible that these tests will show legionella levels that are safe, but tests done in hot or cold water tanks may show very different results.

Consideration should be given to places where there is a higher risk, such as where water temperatures drop below the norm, where water may be sitting still in pipes or tanks, and where water flows through the system regularly.

Once the right places to test water for a certain system have been found, it's a good idea to write them down so that the same places are tested each time. This will be part of the regular checks your business needs to do to make sure it follows the health and safety laws about water systems and how to keep legionella bacteria under control.

Is it best to enlist the aid of experts to handle your water testing?

The HSE thinks that any testing for legionella should be done in a lab that is UKAS-accredited and that the results should be interpreted by a knowledgeable person. You will have to do this to make sure that the law is followed in every way and that your water system is safe. But if you want to do the process of water sampling yourself, it might be helpful to get the right training.

In any case, the right way to test for legionella is important to make sure you know how safe your own systems are.

Further information, advice, and support

If you need more information or advice about legionella testing, whether it's necessary, or how to read test results, give us a call at 020 8432 3388 or send us a message on

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