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Legionella Issues Found In 'Unsafe' Care Home

Lisamarie Lamb

Managers at a Leicester nursing home have neglected to address safety issues identified during a devastating government inspection earlier this year. According to the Care Quality Commission, Venetia House on Aylestone Road in Aylestone was deemed "unsafe" and "poorly led" (CQC).

Failings were discovered during a February examination of the home, which houses up to ten adults with mental illness and learning difficulties. Among other issues, a health-watchdog official discovered potential threats to residents in the form of suspected legionella infection and inadequate fire-safety procedures.

According to a recent CQC report issued after a second unannounced inspection to Venetia House in July, concerns had not been rectified. As a result, the residence will remain in 'special measures' and will be watched before a third check is performed.

According to the CQC assessment, the supplier failed to conduct the necessary tests to avoid the buildup of legionella bacteria in the water supply. They said that this put people at considerable danger of illness.

The inspection also discovered that fire alarms and emergency lighting were not being checked on a regular basis. According to the assessment, they could not be certain that these systems were operating safely, and the provider failed to guarantee that safeguards were in place to keep people safe.

In addition to these issues, the inspector discovered that people were at danger of not having their hydration needs met adequately, and that there were gaps in the records indicating that people had gone lengthy periods without being supplied a drink. Similarly, personnel had been provided more liquids than would be appropriate for a person whose medical condition required them to limit their fluid consumption.

According to the assessment, the home was "not well-led," with staff lacking "clear guidelines on how to address people's particular needs" and "widespread and serious gaps in people's care, support, and results."

The inspector's report also stated that the service's "closed culture" had not improved appreciably since the previous examination. "We expect health and social care providers to give autistic persons and people with learning disabilities with the choices, dignity, independence, and decent access to local communities that most people take for granted," the statement continued.

"The overall evaluation for this service is 'inadequate,' and the service remains in 'special measures,'" it said. This means that we will continue to monitor the service and, if we do not advise cancelling the provider's registration, we will re-inspect it within six months to look for significant changes.

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