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Epsom Legionnaires' Disease Warning

Lisamarie Lamb

Authorities are warning residents of the chance of legionnaires disease in Ewell and Epsom after weeks of coronavirus lockdown.

Epsom and Ewell Borough Council (EEBC) released a statement on 16th June warning that recent warm weather conditions, as well as weeks of drinking water systems going unused, has created ideal conditions for legionella bacteria which spread the disease after weeks of quarantine during the continuous coronavirus pandemic.

Legionnaires' disease is actually a lung infection that occurs when legionella bacteria are found within water systems. Not everyone who comes into contact with infected water will catch the disease, but for those who are vulnerable, who have compromised immune systems, for the elderly and the very young, it can be deadly.

NHS England warn that you are able to catch legionnaires' disease if you breathe in small droplets of water with bacteria in it.

It is most often found in communal places like hotels, offices or hospitals where the bacteria has got into the water resources.

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